Safeguarding; at the heart of everything we do

Our Safeguarding Policy and Statement aims, to not only meet the requirements of ensuring a safe environment for those accessing activities in our organisation but to also build an open culture where:

  • those who lead do so by example,
  • are committed to the safeguarding of all
  • those that work or volunteer are safely recruited and trained for their roles.
  • there are accountability structures
  • with codes of conduct
  • the values of the organisation are embedded in its day to day actions and behaviours
  • of its people
  • and there is open communication

Our policy and any attached practice guidelines are based on the ten safeguarding standards published by Thirtyone:eight (

Should you have any questions about our policy, please email our Safeguarding Team, by using the link below. To register a concern, please use the link below and complete the form.