Who we are
Creating Hope is a registered charity that is dedicated towards providing support and services to those facing debt and other life limiting situations in Sutton and beyond.
Creating Hope is a new charity formed in December 2022, but its core activities are long established. The central mission of the work has always been to reach people in debt and despair in Sutton, offer an award- winning debt counselling service and see people released from debt and poverty.
Since 2012, when C3 UnitedLife established CAP Sutton, the team has seen first-hand the devastating consequences that poverty and debt can have on people. Every person or family we seek to help is unique and the causes of their poverty and/or debt are often complex and deep rooted.
Our journey in providing support and practical assistance has mirrored that of CAP’s nationally. We have long realised that we cannot focus solely on the current debt of our clients and ignore the underlying factors, such as a lack of financial awareness and wider skills, that have often contributed to their current crises.
Over time, we have expanded the range of services we offer to better equip people to live well on a budget (through running CAP Money Coaching & CAP Life Skills courses) and to providing guidance and practical help to clients seeking paid employment through CAP Job Club.
But even this expanded range of CAP services doesn’t cater for all the needs we have encountered. So, alongside the CAP courses, we also offer: a Drop-in lunch club for those in need of a cooked meal and company each week; Kintsugi Hope Courses which focus on improving mental and physical well-being; professional counselling services and practical help like the provision of second-hand furniture and equipment