CAP Job Club
A Helping Hand
Job Club is to help both longer term unemployed and those lacking confidence, back into work or volunteering roles. Our team deliver training sessions on practicalities such as writing a CV, interview techniques etc.
Recognised locally as a great tool and course, our coaches work alongside other volunteers to ensure that each person gets all the tools they need to get back into work.
2023 Stats:
Over 680 Volunteer Hours
4 volunteers
3 courses, 52 attendees
On the road to work
We run a free 9-week course – ‘Steps to Employment’- which covers everything from discovering your strengths, to writing CVs and completing application forms, and knowing how to succeed in interviews.
We also offer one-to-one coaching to help you set your goals and to support you on the road to employment.
Finally, we help you to connect with local employers, agencies, and others who can share their experiences of looking for work.